Tuesday, July 22, 2008
Migrate Green to Blue (CICS to Web)
Based on my experience, I did some of the following:
1. I reused the business logic on the COBOL by exposing it into a web services.
2. HATS from IBM which is more flexible and easy to implement.
3. Do a screen scrape approach from the reflection screen.
4. Create a macros and dig about EJB, RMI, CORBA.
Saturday, June 7, 2008
Running Wicket on WebSphere Application Server 6.1 using Filter instead of Servlet
It takes time for me to find out why Filter is not working on WAS 6.1 and finally I made it work...
If you're using RAD or RSA to run WebSphere Apps 6.1:
1. On your Server - Right Click WebSphere Apps 6.1 and select Administration - Run Administrative Console
2. If your WAS 6.1 requires your login, please login or please proceed to next step
3. On your Left Pane of the window, expand Server
4. Select the Application Server
5. Select the Server that you want to enable the filter compatibility (ie server1, server2, myserver, etc)
6.On Container Settings - expand Web Container Settings and click on Web Container
7.Click Custom Properties
8.Click on New
9.Enter property name=[com.ibm.ws.webcontainer.invokefilterscompatibility] value=[true]
10. Save and restart the server and run your Wicket with filter implementation....
Good luck...
By rma
Tuesday, March 11, 2008
SOA - Today's Technology Solution Tomorrow
Today's problem is how companies can gain more customer and give a great percentage of customer satisfaction. On the technology side, IT Software Solution provider is still trying to create a technology that will help companies to meet there goal every year which is I think, 2G. 2G is Gain more customer, and Give satisfactory services.
What will be the solution for this problem?
On my opinion for technology side, I will implement a SOA, but the bottleneck is how such company can implement a SOA in a short period of time without affecting any current running application.
watch out for the LOSS framework.