Tuesday, February 11, 2014

SpringSource Tool Suite 3.4.0 and Tomcat 8.0.1 - Unknown version of Tomcat was specified

The STS 3.4.0 latest release doesn't recognize the Tomcat 8.0.1 when adding it to a runtime server environment.

When adding the Tomcat 8 to Server Runtime Environment, you will encounter "Unknown version of Tomcat was specified." or "The Apache Tomcat installation at this directory is version 8.0.1.  A Tomcat 7.0 installation is expected."

I noticed that the last Apache Tomcat Version available in STS 3.4.0 environment is Apache Tomcat 7.

Anyway, you can make Tomcat 8.0.1 run in STS 3.4.0 by simple tweaking the ServerInfo.properties inside the catalina.jar folder. Please follow the simple steps below:

1) Open the catalina.jar using 7z in Windows.
2) Browse to org/apache/catalina/util
3) Open the ServerInfo.properties and replace or comment the 8.0.1 information to 7.0.47.A.RELEASE


#server.info=Apache Tomcat/8.0.1
#server.built=Jan 29 2014 11:13:21

server.info=TC 8.0.1 to TC 7 Tweak/7.0.47.A.RELEASE
server.built=Oct 28 2013 08:15:22
4) Save the text then close the 7z.

That's it.

If you're using Mac and need more info, please leave a comment.