While creating my own Virtual Box CI/CD which include Jenkins, Artifactory and Git, I noticed that I need to have multiple ports for each application, so I decided to use NGINX to be my proxy server.
First, I set my DNS or in my local machine, I added an alias into my local (MacOS) /etc/hosts file
myadmin@myHostOS$: sudo nano /etc/hosts
# Add the following host aliases interface101.vbox artifactory.interface101.vbox jenkins.interface101.vbox git.interface101.vbox
# Save
I login to my Virtual Box instance that has the nginx in it.
You can have one file for all the configuration or you can have one for each sub-domain-configuration. I prefer one for each:
Step 1) Lets create the git configuration
admin@myGuestOS:$ sudo nano /etc/nginx/site-available/git-interface101-vbox.conf
# Add the following config
server {
listen 80:
server_name git.interface101.vbox;
location / {
proxy_set_header X-Forwarded-For $proxy_add_x_forwarded_for;
proxy_set_header Host $http_host;
proxy_pass; # Note: 10112 is the Git port
# Save
After saving the file, let's create a soft link in sites-enabled
admin@myGuestOS:$ ln -sf /etc/nginx/site-available/git-interface101-vbox.conf /etc/nginx/site-enabled/git-interface101-vbox.conf
Step 2) Lets create the artifactory configuration:
admin@myGuestOS:$ sudo nano /etc/nginx/site-available/artifactory-interface101-vbox.conf
# Add the following config
server {
listen 80:
server_name artifactory.interface101.vbox;
location / {
proxy_set_header X-Forwarded-For $proxy_add_x_forwarded_for;
proxy_set_header Host $http_host;
proxy_pass; # Note: 8081 is the Artifactory port
# Save
After saving the file, let's create a soft link in sites-enabled
admin@myGuestOS:$ ln -sf /etc/nginx/site-available/artifactory-interface101-vbox.conf /etc/nginx/site-enabled/artifactory-interface101-vbox.conf
Step 3) Lets create the Jenkins configuration:
admin@myGuestOS:$ sudo nano /etc/nginx/site-available/jenkins-interface101-vbox.conf
# Add the following config
server {
listen 80:
server_name jenkins.interface101.vbox;
location / {
proxy_set_header X-Forwarded-For $proxy_add_x_forwarded_for;
proxy_set_header Host $http_host;
proxy_pass; # Note: 8080 is the Jenkins port
# Save
After saving the file, let's create a soft link in sites-enabled
admin@myGuestOS:$ ln -sf /etc/nginx/site-available/jenkins-interface101-vbox.conf /etc/nginx/site-enabled/jenkins-interface101-vbox.conf
Step 4) Lets restart the nginx service
admin@myGuestOS:$ sudo service nginx restart
Step 5) Lets verify the URL now.
From your Host OS, open a browser and visit the following URL:
http://artifactory.interface101.vbox for Artifactory
http://jenkins.interface101.vbox for Jenkins
http://git.interface101.vbox for Git
Note: Make sure Artifactory, Jenkins and Git are running before you visit their URL
Have fun and enjoy!