Wicket, Spring and Hibernate integration.
How to convert a Static HTML Pages into a Dynamic HTML Pages?
- When I was following the Wicket Development, I know that someday, it will make my life easier in building Web Secured Application using the Wicket Framework. I've been using Spring since it was released as a development release candidate and I know that someday this will be the powerful Enterprise Technology that can be easily integrate to any kind of framework because of its architecture - IoC.
Hibernate, was my best ORM tool and for me in the first place, it was hard to implement, but when I already got the foundation / core architecture of the framework, I was impressed because of its reliability, secured, robust and easy to implement.
Wicket - I was following wicket 3 years ago when it was on the development. I studied the core architecture and research the ingredients of the framework. I was amazed of the quick and easy way to convert static pages into a dynamic pages. It also help integrate AJAX very easy and secured.
If you want to know Wicket, Spring and Hibernate just let me know and I am happy to assist you during my free time.
1 comment:
I used Wicket framework with Spring. It makes my life easier in converting static html to a dynamic content html. You don't need to worry about Javascript coding because it's all in Java code and it will convert it to Javascript when it will viewed to HTML
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