First and foremost, I choose Ubuntu because it's easy and flexible. I can say that I've been using Ubuntu since it birth. As part of my POC/POT task, I would like to make iServer work in Ubuntu 11.10 server.
The instruction below is something that I've done personally for iServer in Ubuntu 11.10 as of March 9, 2012.
Before installing the iServer. You need to do the following steps:
Install xvfb first
After installing all the required library. I installed a new PostgreSQL because the OOTB (Out of the box) PostgreSQL in iServer installer failed during startup because of some error (i.e.
I don't want to dig more on the error because I'm not an expert of PostgreSQL and also I have limited time to finish things so I installed a new one.
Install your own postgresql
After installing it, please make sure that you're not blocking the default port of PostgreSQL 5432. Now restart the Ubuntu server.
sudo reboot now
Assuming that you're login to your Ubuntu. Now lets configure the newly created PostgreSql. Please refer to your manual from Actuate website or If you want to do the shortcut jump to Section 101 below.
Go to page 64 or press CTRL + SHIFT + N enter 64 and look for "Creating the system and Encyclopedia volume schemas and iserver user in a pre-existing PostgreSQL database"
Follow the instruction from "Creating the system and Encyclopedia volume schemas and iserver user in a pre-existing PostgreSQL database" until you reach the instruction to execute "GRANT USAGE ON SCHEMA ac_corp TO iserver;" and you're good to go
Section 101: Just copy and paste the command below.
Enter the command in your prompt:
Now you're inside the PostgreSQL
GRANT USAGE ON SCHEMA ac_corp TO iserver;
Now you're ready to install the iServer. Go to your installer folder then enter the command below:
sh ./
Note: Don't use the default OOTB PostgreSQL. Use the one that you just setup.
Default port of PostgreSQL is 5432.
If you're done installing everything, you may now access the Configuration console, Management Console and Information Console. Before doing that, make sure you don't block the port that you define for your HTTP, PMD and iServer Listener
If it is block issue the following command:
Reboot your server
cmd#: sudo reboot
After rebooting start your iserver then check if your 8900 listen.
Go to your installed iServer application
cmd#: cd
cmd#: cd bin
cmd#: sh ./
Now lets check if port 8900 is active/open
cmd#: netstat -a | grep 89
If it's active, you can now check or browse the URL.
URL for Configuration Console
Enter your password because the Username is default to Administrator
URL for Information Console
Enter username as "Administrator" and leave the password blank
URL for Management Console
Enter username as "Administrator" and leave the password blank
The instruction below is something that I've done personally for iServer in Ubuntu 11.10 as of March 9, 2012.
Before installing the iServer. You need to do the following steps:
Install xvfb first
sudo apt-get install xvfb
Install Motif
sudo apt-get install motif-clients
Install ia32
sudo apt-get install ia32-libs
After installing all the required library. I installed a new PostgreSQL because the OOTB (Out of the box) PostgreSQL in iServer installer failed during startup because of some error (i.e.
FATAL: could not create shared memory segment: Invalid argumentDETAIL: Failed system call was shmget...
I don't want to dig more on the error because I'm not an expert of PostgreSQL and also I have limited time to finish things so I installed a new one.
Install your own postgresql
sudo apt-get install postgresql
sudo reboot now
Assuming that you're login to your Ubuntu. Now lets configure the newly created PostgreSql. Please refer to your manual from Actuate website or If you want to do the shortcut jump to Section 101 below.
Go to page 64 or press CTRL + SHIFT + N enter 64 and look for "Creating the system and Encyclopedia volume schemas and iserver user in a pre-existing PostgreSQL database"
Follow the instruction from "Creating the system and Encyclopedia volume schemas and iserver user in a pre-existing PostgreSQL database" until you reach the instruction to execute "GRANT USAGE ON SCHEMA ac_corp TO iserver;" and you're good to go
Section 101: Just copy and paste the command below.
Enter the command in your prompt:
sudo -u postgres psql postgres
Now you're inside the PostgreSQL
CREATE DATABASE iserver WITH OWNER = "postgres" TEMPLATE = template0 ENCODING = 'UTF-8';
CREATE ROLE ac_corp_system LOGIN PASSWORD 'password';
GRANT CONNECT ON DATABASE iserver TO ac_corp_system;
GRANT CONNECT ON DATABASE iserver TO ac_corp_system;
CREATE ROLE ac_corp LOGIN PASSWORD 'password';
CREATE ROLE iserver LOGIN PASSWORD 'password';
CREATE SCHEMA ac_corp_system AUTHORIZATION ac_corp_system;
GRANT USAGE ON SCHEMA ac_corp_system TO iserver;
CREATE SCHEMA ac_corp AUTHORIZATION ac_corp;GRANT USAGE ON SCHEMA ac_corp_system TO iserver;
GRANT USAGE ON SCHEMA ac_corp TO iserver;
Now you're ready to install the iServer. Go to your installer folder then enter the command below:
sh ./
Note: Don't use the default OOTB PostgreSQL. Use the one that you just setup.
Default port of PostgreSQL is 5432.
If you're done installing everything, you may now access the Configuration console, Management Console and Information Console. Before doing that, make sure you don't block the port that you define for your HTTP, PMD and iServer Listener
If it is block issue the following command:
sudo iptables -A INPUT -p tcp --dport -j ACCEPT
sudo iptables -A INPUT -p tcp --dport -j ACCEPT
sudo iptables -A INPUT -p tcp --dport -j ACCEPT
sudo iptables -A INPUT -p tcp --dport -j ACCEPT
cmd#: sudo iptables -A INPUT -p tcp --dport 5432 -j ACCEPT
cmd#: sudo iptables -A INPUT -p tcp --dport 8000 -j ACCEPT
cmd#: sudo iptables -A INPUT -p tcp --dport 8100 -j ACCEPT
cmd#: sudo iptables -A INPUT -p tcp --dport 8900 -j ACCEPT
Reboot your server
cmd#: sudo reboot
After rebooting start your iserver then check if your 8900 listen.
Go to your installed iServer application
cmd#: cd
cmd#: cd bin
cmd#: sh ./
Now lets check if port 8900 is active/open
cmd#: netstat -a | grep 89
If it's active, you can now check or browse the URL.
URL for Configuration Console
Enter your password because the Username is default to Administrator
URL for Information Console
Enter username as "Administrator" and leave the password blank
URL for Management Console
Enter username as "Administrator" and leave the password blank
Good luck...
Firstly thanks for sharing this. I would like to try and extend your example so that I can get the iServer install working on Ubuntu 12.04 with postgresql / java and Tomcat as per-installed components.
I have been reading the existing Actuate documentation titled "Installing BIRT iServer for Linux and UNIX". In their Introduction they describe the run-time architecture of the iServer system outlining that a Servlet Container, Relational Database and File Server components are important parts of the solution but do not go into enough details.
Ideally the Ubuntu package management system should handle the install of all third party components required by iServer. We can then install iServer separately on top of these base components. Once understood this could then be scripted into its own .deb packaged for others to use.
Thanks for this post. It took me time to install the iServer and then failed. The documents that they have is not clear enough. But this post enlighten me because of the step by step approach and I was able to just following the instruction you have here. You save my day.
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