Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Experience WorldWide Telescope - For Kids Knowledge

Immerse yourself in a seamless beautiful environment.

WorldWide Telescope (WWT) enables your computer to function as a virtual telescope, bringing together imagery from the best ground and space-based telescopes in the world. Experience narrated guided tours from astronomers and educators featuring interesting places in the sky.
A web-based version of WorldWide Telescope is also now available. This version enables seamless, guided explorations of the universe from within a web browser on PC and Intel Mac OS X by using the power of Microsoft Silverlight 3.0.

Sunday, October 18, 2009

WiSH Integration

Wicket, Spring and Hibernate integration.

How to convert a Static HTML Pages into a Dynamic HTML Pages?
- When I was following the Wicket Development, I know that someday, it will make my life easier in building Web Secured Application using the Wicket Framework. I've been using Spring since it was released as a development release candidate and I know that someday this will be the powerful Enterprise Technology that can be easily integrate to any kind of framework because of its architecture - IoC.

Hibernate, was my best ORM tool and for me in the first place, it was hard to implement, but when I already got the foundation / core architecture of the framework, I was impressed because of its reliability, secured, robust and easy to implement.

Wicket - I was following wicket 3 years ago when it was on the development. I studied the core architecture and research the ingredients of the framework. I was amazed of the quick and easy way to convert static pages into a dynamic pages. It also help integrate AJAX very easy and secured.

If you want to know Wicket, Spring and Hibernate just let me know and I am happy to assist you during my free time.


Thursday, March 26, 2009

MINA Spring Wicket and Hibernate


Currently, I am developing a system that will integrate the GPS information of the vehicle and feed the data to the database (DB2). It also provide a Web UI for information maintenance. I used wicket because it is easy to integrate to an existing HTML design. You can create some navigation history without any complex approach and you can create dynamic menus according to the user rights.

My architecture is divided into 4 parts/layer.

Socket - MINA
Web Tier - Wicket
Business Tier - Spring
Data Tier - Hibernate

IDE used: IBM RSA 7.5 (I also used customized Eclipse Ganymede)
Application Server: WAS 6.0, WAS 6.1, Tomcat 6.x
WebServer: IBM HTTP Server, Apache WebServer
Monitoring Tools: JConsole integrated to WAS (WebSphere Application Server)
Testing Tools: JUnit, JProbe, JMeter, HTTPUnit
Scripting: JQuery, YUI

Other Tools Used: Aqua Studio, Squirrel, Eclipse Data Tools, Hibernate Tools, Spring IDE, Ultra Edit, Ultra Compare,

Operating System: Mac OS - Leopard, Ubuntu Desktop Edition 8.10

Virtualization: Virtual Box - Installed Guests (Ubuntu, CentOS, Windows XP)

More information to come... Watch out for the system.

Thursday, January 1, 2009

Array Handling

Under Construction - Soon to be released